May 27 Breakout Group Main Takeaways & Ideas for Next Meetup

Main Takeaways

How do we provide access not only for some, but for all?

  • Most teams are interacting in some capacity. Ranging from once/week Zoom meetings, multiple Zoom meetings a week, singles and privately owned only, to singles with coaches viewing from afar.

  • There are many interested in hearing more concrete ideas for creating protocols. How do we account for legal requirements, boathouse rules, and athletes comfort simultaneously?

  • Some athletes would like to see more meetings and communication. 

  • Many existing protocols include creating and utilizing health and safety risk committees that include all possibly involved/affected, safety screening through questionnaires and other techniques, distancing when possible, time accounted for cleaning equipment between use, contact only with masks and gloves, disinfectant and sanitizer regularly, tools for self rescue/no contact rescue, and required reservations.

  • Common challenges include volunteers considered at risk, communicating or lack of with athletes, fairness among access, sufficient and legal protocols, adequate screening, how to account for rowing related risks while also accounting for health safety, injury risk after break and with less coaching on water, 

  • A central executive voice that shares regularly and with all involved is critical.

Ideas For Next Meetup

  • Centralize athlete comments, comfort levels, and requests of those running the clubs in terms of communication and protocols.

  • Space for problem solving, sharing, and beginning to design protocol. Coming ready with states regulations and boathouse rules.

  • How to approach providing fair usage of equipment.

  • How to structure a team’s approach to coming back depending on community feedback.

    • Sticking to zoom calls but upping content or sessions. 

    • How to effectively communicate moves forward and intentions.

    • Who to involve in decision making.

    • How to format protocols to create confidence in new structures.


Contact Coach Tara at